Senin, 18 April 2016

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Muslim Faithful Pray at the Mosque in the Taj Mahal Complex to ...

My amazing photo Gallery: muslim in mosque

Muslim Faithful Pray at the Mosque in the Taj Mahal Complex to ... Jakarta vote: Indonesia hardliners call for Muslim governor. The incumbent, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, known as Ahok, is an ethnic Chinese Christian currently on trial after being accused of insulting Islam. Despite the court case, Mr Purnama is still expected to win Wednesday's vote. The campaign against him has been ...

How do Muslims worship in the mosque? |
Radical Islam spreading through BELGIUM mosques, leaked report reveals. Wahhabism, labelled by the European Parliament in Strasbourg as the main source of global terrorism, is being identified in an increasing number of Islamic centres, the Coordination Unit for Threat Analysis (OCAM) reported. The country’s body for threat ...

Taqiyya and the American Mosque |
In Italy, Islam doesn’t officially exist. Here’s what Muslims must accept to change that.. MILAN — At least 1.4 million Muslims are living in Italy, making Islam the country’s de facto second-largest religion. But as far as Italian authorities are concerned, Islam doesn’t exist. Unlike Christianity and Judaism, Islam isn’t formally ...

U.S. Muslim group decries shots fired at Chicago mosque
Bannon, Flynn and Sessions: How Trump's top advisers view Muslims, in their own words. Stephen Bannon has warned that Islam is “the most radical” religion in the world and that the United States is engaged in a struggle for civilization against Islamists. USA TODAY Corrections & Clarifications: An earlier version of this story misstated ...

Islam From The Heart » Blog Archive » Islam In America: Mosques ...
Quebec media, politicians express regret over Islam rhetoric in wake of mosque attack. The massacre at a Quebec City mosque has provoked soul searching and regret in the province’s political and media class over their overheated rhetoric and frequent failure to draw a clear line between Islamist extremists and ordinary Muslims. Those ...

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