Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015

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Pinterest • The world's catalog of ideas

My amazing picture Collection: arbic art

Pinterest • The world's catalog of ideas Cairo's Islamic Art Museum Reopens 3 Years After A Car Bomb Damaged It. It took a car bomb to get the funds to renovate Egypt's Museum of Islamic Art, but three years later, a restored museum with modern galleries has reopened to showcase the museum's historic treasures. The 2014 explosion outside police headquarters near the ...

Arabic art by safia001 on DeviantArt
Museum curators celebrate Islamic art while Louvre attacked. An Islamic attacker armed with machetes attacked soldiers guarding the Louvre, shouting, "Allah akbar" before being shot. In other news, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City is protesting Donald Trump's temporary ban on immigration from seven Middle ...

Pinterest • The world's catalog of ideas
A few Several years Following A Car Bomb Ruined It, Cairo’s Islamic Art Museum Reopens : Parallels : NPR. It took a automobile bomb to get the cash to renovate Egypt’s Museum of Islamic Art, but 3 several years afterwards, a restored museum with modern day galleries has reopened to showcase the museum’s historic treasures. The 2014 explosion outside police ...

Egypt: Art of Arabic Calligraphy in Egypt
Glimpse into world of Islamic art. A most “timely and important topic,” the age-old art of the Islamic world drew a full house to Joyner-Green Valley Library on Jan. 25. Tucson Museum of Art Docent Susan Hill thought it was important in today’s world for people to know about Islamic ...

1000+ images about arabic world on Pinterest
Islamic Art at Smith. A significant gift of Islamic art objects from the collection of Elinor Lander Horwitz ’50 has fundamentally transformed the Smith College Museum of Art’s holdings. Selections from the Horwitz collection of Islamic art, currently on view in the museum ...

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